Sunday, April 6, 2008


hello its sunday! ahh no homework to do (except math port). how nice. feels great.

went to church, and teresa, for like the first time in ever, joined our cell group for lunch ( and she's been in it longer than i have). amazing.

went to kinokuniya to look around for a while afterwards, and bought some stuff. kinda ponned a meeting cause i was lazy. oops.

went home, but missed my bus stop so i had to walk. aiyoh. wanted to take a nap upon reaching home but got distracted by Secret Invasion #01 (of 8). pity. not.

went and surfed the net for funny/interesting things. laughed abit. had my chem prac koped by some people. lazy buggers. kidding.

went to explain some econs stuff over msn to a friend. wow i actually remember my stuff. hurrah. parents are currently buying dinner back (chicken rice). oh well. at least its tasty.

sunday's over.

everyday i think of this thought so dreadful that


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